Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Choosing a post-game beer: the critical part of the game that doesn't get enough attention

I may not be able to expose my team to good hockey, but as captain I consider it my sacred duty to expose them to good beer. No Bud Lights in my locker room. Ever.

We've been on a bit of a roll and it seems to correlate with having Pacific Northwest beers, courtesy of my BevMo card. Over the past four weeks, we've enjoyed Mirror Pond, Black Star, Widmer Hefeweizen and Pyramid Hefeweizen. The team seemed to like the hefs the most -- they're on the light side, perfect for rehydrating fatigued adult leaguers.

Have a good beer selection? Leave a comment. I'm pretty sure the Hockey Gods favor those who don't buy the same beer week after week.



1 comment:

  1. The Perfect Alcohol Gadget!

